"Prevent mass surveillance, strengthen innovation. Defend liberal successes of the AI Act!" Svenja Hahn (FDP) on the AI Act trilogue negotiations.

October 3, 2023

"The parliamentary position on the AI Act bears a clear liberal handwriting and defies conservative surveillance wishes and left-wing overregulation fantasies. We were able to successfully fend off the attacks on civil rights. Member states, on the other hand, are doing everything they can, not to regulate the area of "national security" in the AI Act. This would open the door to abuse and government surveillance through AI. We strongly oppose this in Strasbourg this week."

Commenting on the negotiations with the Spanish Council Presidency, Hahn goes on to say:

"We must further reduce burdens for innovative companies in the negotiations with the member states. Bureaucratic hurdles and obligations must be reduced to the necessary minimum, especially for smaller companies and start-ups. The preliminary agreement on so-called regulatory sandboxes, in which AI systems can be tested to make them legally compliant, is an opportunity for small and new companies in particular. The AI legislation must create fair rules and clarity, for example by introducing a checklist for a clear classification of whether an AI is high-risk and what requirements then follow. The rules for so-called general-purpose AI and generative AI such as ChatGPT must be workable and straightforward. We need to minimize risks to our society while accelerating technological progress instead of blocking it."